Prevent Oak Wilt: Avoid Summer Pruning
Oak trees have long been an American favorite. They’re one of the best shade trees out there, and many varieties grow fast! If you love oak trees as much as we do, you’ve likely dreaded the deadly oak wilt disease.
What is Oak Wilt?
Oak wilt is a fungal disease that can move quickly in certain oak species, particularly red oaks, and can lead to their decline and death. The disease spreads primarily through sap beetles attracted to fresh pruning cuts or any wounds on the tree. It can also be transmitted via root grafts or contaminated pruning tools.
Symptoms to Watch for
- Wilting, browning, or excessive shedding of green leaves
- Branch dieback
Preventive Measures
To prevent the spread of oak wilt, it is crucial to resist the urge to prune your oak trees during the summer. Instead, focus on pruning during the safest time: the coldest winter months. This period minimizes the risk of infection and keeps your trees healthy.
What to Do If Your Tree Is Infected
If you suspect that your tree is infected, it should be removed promptly. Other nearby oaks should be treated to prevent further spread. Call your BE representative to discuss treating your trees with a protective fungicide and to determine the best times for pruning.
Benefits of Dormant Pruning:
- Reduces the risk of disease spread
- Ensures the health and longevity of your trees
- Takes advantage of the tree’s natural dormancy for quicker recovery
At Balanced Environments, we are committed to helping you maintain the health and beauty of your landscape. Contact us today to learn more about proper oak tree care and to schedule your dormant season pruning.

Excessive shedding
Branch dieback