Happy Independence Day!
Cyan Zinnia—Zinnias are one of the most colorful flowers that we can have in our garden. They grow quickly and they are easy to grow everywhere. Zinnias are ideal plants for beginner gardeners, as they require minimal care. The majority of Zinnias are native to North America.

Red Hibiscus—An incredibly profuse blooming selection with 4-inch red flowers against glossy, rich green leaves. A versatile plant for screening, background specimen and containers.
Celebrate the 4th of July
with our Floral Fireworks Display!
Orange Cosmos—attains a height of about 12-22 inches in a full-sun garden. The vigorous plants provide abundant, bright orange 2-inch blooms all summer. Basically pest and disease-free, Cosmic Orange is adaptable and easy-to-grow.
Enjoy our selections of
Red, White & Bursting Bloom flowers!