Celebrate Mother’s Day with Fragrant Flowers!
As Mother’s Day approaches, what better way to honor all the special moms around us than by enhancing their gardens with the sweet scents of nature?
This year, let’s make their outdoor spaces bloom with joy and fragrance! Here are some delightful options for fragrant flowers and plants that thrive in the Midwest….
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris): A classic favorite, lilacs bring a burst of fragrance and beauty to any garden. Their clusters of purple, pink, or white blooms fill the air with a sweet, nostalgic scent that moms adore.
Peony (Paeonia): With their large, lush blooms and intoxicating fragrance, peonies are sure to captivate any garden enthusiast. These timeless flowers come in various colors and add elegance to any landscape.
Lavender (Lavandula): Not only does lavender offer a delightful scent reminiscent of summer, but it also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Its purple spikes and aromatic foliage make it a lovely addition to any garden bed or container.
Mock Orange (Philadelphus): True to its name, mock orange produces clusters of white, citrus-scented flowers that fill the air with a delightful fragrance. This low-maintenance shrub is perfect for adding a touch of sweetness to the garden.
Hyacinth (Hyacinthus): These spring-blooming bulbs offer a powerful fragrance that can perfume the entire garden. Hyacinths come in a range of colors and can be planted in beds or containers for a burst of fragrance.
Sweetspire (Itea virginica): This native shrub offers fragrant white flowers in spring and brilliant red foliage in fall. Sweetspire is a great choice for adding fragrance and year-round interest to gardens in the Midwest.
Rose (Rosa): No list of fragrant flowers would be complete without roses. Choose varieties known for their scent, such as ‘Mr. Lincoln’, ‘Queen of Sweden’, or ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, to fill your garden with their romantic perfume.
Let’s make this Mother’s Day extra special by creating landscapes filled with these fragrant wonders. Whether you’re designing a new garden or refreshing an existing one, incorporating these delightful plants will surely bring joy to any mom’s heart.
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and fragrant Mother’s Day!


