Celebrating 20 Years of Growth with Balanced Environments
July begins our 20th year in business as Balanced Environments we are celebrating for the remainder of 2023 with a series of history pieces, factoids, stories, and family lore.
We are proud to work for and help grow this family business into the wonderful organization it is today. Join us in enjoying these pieces of our BE history.

As we reflect on the incredible journey that brought us here, one thing becomes crystal clear: it’s the people that count!
Today, we raise a toast to each and every one of you – our dedicated staff over the years. Your passion, commitment, and unwavering support have been the driving force behind our success. From the early days filled with dreams to the milestones we achieved together, it’s been an extraordinary ride. We want to honor the incredible individuals who have made Balanced Environments the fantastic place it is today. Thank you for making every step of this journey remarkable. Here’s to the past, the present, and the amazing things that lie ahead!
Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting some of our amazing employees over the years. If you know any of these wonderful people, feel free to reach out and say hello and happy anniversary!
When Bruce opened Balanced Environments in 2003 he hired the likes of Wayne Hinrichs and Rigoberto Tenorio to work out of an old dairy barn and farmhouse in Antioch, Illinois. Rigo still works for BE with Bruce.
A year after forming BE, Tom Kelly joined the team and helped significantly grow the fledgling business. Tom is still out in the field and working hard for BE clients every day.
In 2010 the company hired a highly qualified Branch Manager in Jennifer Spencer and opened the Plainfield branch in 2010.
Mario Flores continues to supervise accounts as he did for D.R. Church Landscape Co., Inc. in the 80s and 90s
Juan Gomez, who was originally hired by D.R. Church Landscape Co., Inc. founder Denny Church came back to help run the Plainfield branch and was promoted to be BE Fleet and Facilities Manager.