Balanced Environments is actively involved with and supports several industry-related and business organizations.
We proudly serve active leadership roles and/or provide sponsorships on an annual basis. We look forward to seeing you at the next event!.

Suburban Chicago BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association)
Suburban Chicago BOMA Expo Committee
Chicago BOMA
International BOMA Expo & TOBY Awards
IREM Chicagoland (Institute of Real Estate Management)
IFMA Suburban Chicago
CLA (Chicago Loop Alliance)
Magnificent Mile Association
CAA (Chicago Apartment Association)
Illinois Hotels & Lodging Association (IHLA)
ILCA (Illinois Landscape Contractors Association)
ILCA Summer Field Days/Fire & Ice Committee
NALP (National Association of Landscape Professionals)
NALP Renewal & Remembrance Committee
NALP Professional Development & Standards Advisory Council
NALP Government Affairs Council
America in Bloom (AIB)
WNLA (Wisconsin Nursery & Landscape Association)
MCD Media
CAI Illinois (Community Association Institute)
CAI Wisconsin
IAPD (Illinois Association of Park Districts)
MIPE (Midwest Institute of Park Executives)
ICFHA (Illinois Cemetery and Funeral Home Association)
Lake Geneva Chamber of Commerce
Chicago Botanic Garden
Additional Groups we participate in events with: RE Journal