BE was invited by CH in December 2019 to view the camp construction, and to help guide them through the challenge of designing new access pathways, activity areas, and other unique signature aspects for the camp; as well as solving necessary challenges for site drainage, construction repair, and environmental stability. BE is providing new Native Plantings and ‘forest-floor’ remediation, to jump-start the woodland re-growth throughout the camp site. BE has been on site since March 2020, with a projected finish in late June 2020.
Eric Anderson, Covenant Harbor Associate Director, and Brad Auguston, CH Facility & Construction Manager – treated Bruce to a full facility tour, as well as a comprehensive view of the Camp “Kish” project site. Bruce took the opportunity to visit with members of his production staff on site, currently working on site details such as pathway gravel installation and landscape stone placement. The early spring weather has been a challenge for the landscape crew to accomplish their work, but has also guided the site drainage needs with first-hand views of how rain-water drainage must be manipulated across the site effectively. All hands on site are looking forward to seeing the landscape plantings installed, which will transform the camp from a construction site, back into a woodland setting.